Where do we go from here?

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A public Mapannapolis information meeting in our early years. Introducing community mapping attracted the attention of would-be Annapolis County mapmakers.

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Our public meetings led to meeting Denise J. Rice, a County resident with a deep interest in cataloging the churches and graveyards of Annapolis County. Denise's published research became the Churches and Cemeteries pages at mapannapolis.ca

With the welcome encouragement and support from our early supporters, mapannapolis.ca volunteers created more and more County maps.

With the welcome encouragement and support from our early supporters, mapannapolis.ca volunteers created more and more County maps.

Our supporters were as happy as we were in 2017 when Mapannapolis was recognized for Excellence in Community History Programming at the Governor-General's Awards gala at Rideau Hall in Ottawa. We started down that road in 2012.


St. Mark's Church in Perotte


Sea Coast of Newfoundland, New Scotland, New England, New York, New Jersey with Virginia and Maryland