Dr. Bob

Mapannapolis. The idea of Mapannapolis, came from a loose association of residents thinking about economic development in Annapolis County.

In July 2010, we had a chance to attend a workshop on The Creative Rural Economy & Cultural Mapping at COGS. Bob introduced us to Greg Baker who was working with Prince Edward County in Ontario on Cultural Mapping.

The workshop got us thinking. Thank you, Dr. Bob.

Dr. Bob Maher receives the Roger F. Tomlinson Lifetime Achievement Award

Renowned educator and innovator established a world-class GIS program that has trained hundreds of geospatial leaders

TORONTO – November 17, 2021 – On GIS Day, Esri Canada President Alex Miller presented Dr. Bob Maher with the Roger F. Tomlinson Lifetime Achievement Award, in recognition of his many achievements in expanding the use of geographic information system (GIS) technology. Dr. Maher established a world-class training program for GIS programmers at the College of Geographic Sciences (COGS) in Nova Scotia, where he was Senior Research Scientist responsible for the Applied Geomatics program.

“Bob has always known that geography is central to understanding our world and he trained hundreds of people to use the lens of geography to understand problems. The intensive training program he created at COGS has helped the college become recognized as the gold standard for teaching of GIS. The program has significantly contributed to Canada’s rich pool of highly qualified GIS professionals,” says Alex Miller, president, Esri Canada.

“GIS is central to addressing the significant environmental degradation that the world faces today and I am proud to have trained people who are all around the world, using GIS to help address it,” says Dr. Bob Maher.

Dr. Maher has also taught far beyond Canada’s borders. He has conducted intensive GIS training courses in China, Indonesia and Zimbabwe, all for international aid agencies. At various universities, he also taught Applied Mathematics, Quantitative Methods and Computer Mapping, Biogeography, Scientific Computer Programming and Computer Graphics, in addition to GIS.

Read the complete press release here.

See the 9 minute summary of Greg Baker’s Cultural Mapping workshop here.

About Esri Canada  
Founded in 1984, Esri Canada provides geographic information system (GIS) solutions that empower people in business, government and education to make informed and timely decisions by leveraging the power of mapping and spatial analytics.


Port-Royal Journal 33


Finding Ourselves on a Map