Discovering what lies beneath

Not a lawnmower. The first step in discovering what lies beneath is a ground penetrating radar survey of the target area.

Not a lawnmower. The first step in discovering what lies beneath is a ground penetrating radar survey of the target area.

"New technology is revolutionizing archaeological field methods, providing high-precision archaeological data sets and inspiring new research questions." Boreas Heritage Consulting

Signals are directed downwards from the radar device, reflected, and recorded. Diagram:

Signals are directed downwards from the radar device, reflected, and recorded. Diagram:

"Based on community led research questions, archaeologists conducted a geophysical investigation, using ground-penetrating radar (GPR), of portions of the Garrison Graveyard." Boreas Heritage Consulting

"Archaeology, and the information it generates, is of tremendous value to communities. The application of modern digital recording and remote sensing technologies has allowed community access to the benefits of archaeology like never before, helping to create economic growth while preserving cultural memory and enhancing cultural awareness.

The objective was to determine if evidence of unmarked burials could be detected by the GPR and to search for evidence of St. Jean-Baptiste church." Boreas Heritage Consulting

Within the surveyed area, anomalies consistent with common graveyard practises were identified.

Within the surveyed area, anomalies consistent with common graveyard practises were identified.

"As a result of the archaeological investigations, numerous subsurface anomalies, potentially representing historic burials, were identified and in situ seventeenth century archaeological resources were uncovered. Ultimately, the Garrison Graveyard project generated significant archaeological and historical data, drew national attention to Annapolis Royal and inspired new tourism related initiatives." Boreas Heritage Consulting

See a video about this story here or here.


Mapannapolis at Museums Canada conference


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