What’s the story on story maps?
Here are just a few of the story maps you’ll find at mapannapolis.ca
Stories, stories, and more stories from right here in Annapolis County.
Was there a way for Annapolis County communities and residents to tell their own stories using maps? It was our good fortune in 2012 to have the Centre for Geographic Sciences (COGS), in Lawrencetown, as a partner. There we met our second partner, Esri (Canada)
With COGS students and their instructor teaching our volunteers, they created digital stories that combined text, web maps and other multimedia content (e.g. photos, videos). Esri storymap software allowed multiple layers of information to be displayed on a single map, such as on the story map below.
One of our earliest story maps, created by a dedicated team of volunteers from paper records.
Esri is a Canadian company, founded in 1984. At the forefront of global Geographic Information Services development , our association with ESRI has enabled our project immeasurably since it’s inception.
“ Once you have a digital map, you’re no longer limited to a globe or an atlas or a paper map. You have a digital model of the world. At that point, you can add layers of data to the map and understand far more.”
Alex Miller, President, Esri Canada
The Annapolis Community Mapping Project—-Mapannapolis.ca—-will be the subject of an esri podcast in November, 2021.