Oldham and Lavinia Gates and their 10 children
Wiswall Cemetery, in South Farmington, is at the eastern edge of Annapolis County. It has been inactive for decades, and its oldest stone dates from 1832.
The last resting place of the children of Oldham and Lavinia Gates.
Born in 1799. Lavinia passed on in 1848, having borne 10 children for Oldham: four in the 1820s, five in the 1830s, and George, the youngest, in 1842.
Charlotte, Caroline, Arabella, and the first child, Lavinia: the girls.
C.E., Elkanah H., H. Willard, Wellesley J, Wilmot N., George O. : the boys.
Wilmot Union Church, circa 1876.
Should you wish to visit the last resting place of the Gates family, here are the directions:
"Up a sandy bank on the south side of Hwy 1 opposite the Vault Road. Look to the right of two weathered signposts for easier access up the bank." Source: Dr. Allan Marble
Mapannapolis volunteer Denise J. Rice re-created her extensive summary of the churches and cemeteries of Annapolis County for this website. Denise is quick to point out that Dr. Allan Marble and his 11 year research project into the same topic has been her guiding light. So it is to them both that thanks is due in lighting the way to obscure cemeteries which hold historical importance for familes across the County.
For more on Dr. Marble, go here.
For more on the churches and cemeteries of Annapolis County, go here.