The Remains of Back in the Day
Annapolis Spectator, Thursday, January 20, 1927
Granville Ferry News
“Built in 1822 by the late Israel Letteney’s father, the house now owned and occupied by Dr Smith as an office was also built by the late Israel Letteney’s father. There are oldest buildings in the village except the store owned by Mrs Caswell and on her property. It was built before 1820.”
Another Granville Ferry gathering place was just down the street the old Inglis House.
The Annapolis Spectator writer from 1927 continues about the Old Inglis House “…a room extending the whole length of the east side of the house upstairs was a ball room and it also contained a wine closet. Around many of the rooms was a chain railing – something to protect the walls when the chairs were tilted back. Robert Inglis and his wife Mary Inglis lived in it for many years and it became known as the Inglis house. Twenty years ago picture post cards of “the old Inglis house” were common.”
History everywhere you look: visit our heritage buildings of Annapolis County storymap.
Our thanks to Brenda Thompson for sharing her research on the Old Inglis House with us.